💯Vietnam Hair Fournisseur, Code: N50

Livraison 48H TVA 0€, Klarna accepté✅

Pour Revendre cliquez +86 191 2432 2276

  • Q: How long is the delivery?
  • A: 24 hours after your order, we will ship your package for free, you would be delivered in 3-5 working days for FRANCE, and for other countries it is 4-6 days. And you would need to leave your contact so that we can reach you for delivery
  • Q: How many weaves will be needed for one head?
  • A: It depends on your request, for the weaves size less than 16 inch 2 weaves is enough for one head, but if you would like the density to be thick, then you will need 3 weaves for one head, and it also depends on the closure you use, whether it is a frontal or a closure. .
  • Q: Can I straighten or do other hairstyles to the hair?
  • A: Yes, all the hair we sell are virgin hair, so you can straighten, curl or do other textures, and our hair can also be applied to coloring,
  • Q: How can I know the size? How can I know the length I want?
  • A: To know more about the sizes, please refer to the guide photo below, (to measure curly hair, you have to pull the hair well to know the length) Q: Why are my extensions getting tangled?
  • A: The hair will tangle when dry, please do hair care, wash and condition 1-2 times per week. Or consult your stylist for further maintenance. .
  • Q: Will I need to pay tax?
  • A: Normally you don't need to pay the tax, but the customs duty requirements for each country are not the same, so if the customs asks you to pay the tax, we will do our best to decrease the customs duty you should pay. .